31 August 2021
On 31 August 2021, in the framework of the XLVI Congress of Military History held in Athens (Greece), the Committee of Military Archives, the delegates and the auditors moved to the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) History Service, located in Palaio Faliro (Athens). All the members received a welcome by the chief of the Service, colonel Ioannis Karakostas.
The colonel told that the Air Force History Service is organised in two areas: History and Archives. The HAF history is divided in 9 main periods from the foundation of the first flight activities till the new millenium, as depicted in the website.
The visit has been organised on two different moments: first a short presentation of the history of the Hellenic Air Force, and then a visit to the archives present in the building.
The main hall is organised with posters and small museum exhibitors with documents and small items of the different periods presented by the HAF Service personnel.
The CAM had the possibility to visit the depots and to speak with the personnel who managed the archives and the historical files, so it was possible an exchange of views on the main problems and possible solutions regarding the historical files considering the national legislation applicable.
The depots stored the documents of HAF units and pilots together with the most significant historical files on the main operations (in war and during peace-keeping missions) led by or with the presence of the HAF units.
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Flavio Carbone (October 19, 2021). The visit to the Hellenic Air Force Archives. The Committee of Military Archives. Retrieved September 15, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/m6ot